There was a lot of cool stuff going on during the weekend and unfortunately we didn't get as many pictures as we would have liked. Still, we did snap a few that we thought we'd post. A big part of the conference was listening to talks given by both LDS and evangelical professors who discussed the philosophy behind our discussions and/or doctrinal issues. One of the speakers was Truman G. Madsen and he was kind enough to let me get a picture with him. I know the man looks ancient (which he IS, by the way) but his mind and voice are still all there. He gave a great speech on the importance of discussing beliefs with others. He was a lot of fun to talk with afterwards as well. He's quite the joker!
Joanna spent some time on small roundtable discussions where students of the different traditions could ask questions of each other and understand one another better. My experience has been that those situations are sometimes the hardest settings to be in because you don't know what to expect. From what people said though she rocked the casba. Unfortunately I wasn't able to be there because I was invited to be on a panel of students, clergy and professors to discuss change in the churches and answer questions. It was a fun experience for both of us to participate in and to catch up with and meet new friends.One couple that we got to know a little better was Jordan and Erin Barret (I hope I spelled that right guys) from Wheaton College near Chicago. Jordan led groups out to BYU for five years to interact with students there and to learn more about the LDS. We talked a lot about religion and heard one another's perspectives on different doctrinal issues. It was most enlightening. There's even a chance that we may live near one another next year. If they stay in Chicago and I end up going to Northern Illinois University we would only be a short drive apart. I think that would be pretty cool!
Well, I think I've said enough. Even if I did keep going I don't think I could really convey how great and important I think these kind of discussions are. Religion really can be one of the hardest subjects to discuss but that shouldn't stop us from trying to do it in an open and understanding way. Okay, so there was my little soapbox. I'm now getting of it and sliding it under the table. Until next time!