Eli got a new bike from his grandparents, and he is loving it. It's a PREbike, so it has two wheels but no pedals. The point is for the child to learn balance. Once they get the hang of it, kids are supposed to push off with their feet and then glide with their feet propped up on the side of the bike frame. Eli is still getting used to it, but he thinks it is so cool.
Below are some pictures of his first two experiences with the bike. We didn't tell him to give a thumbs up for the pictures, but he keeps giving a thumbs up whenever we try to take a picture of him.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Monday, April 11, 2011
Zoo Pictures
Eli and I got to visit the Fort Worth zoo twice within the last month. The first time we went with Jake during his Spring Break. We didn't take a ton of pictures, but here are a few from our trip.
Some friends of ours who were going on a field trip to the zoo for their preschool invited us along. I didn't have my camera with me, but one of my friends emailed these pictures to me.
Some friends of ours who were going on a field trip to the zoo for their preschool invited us along. I didn't have my camera with me, but one of my friends emailed these pictures to me.
The Fort Worth zoo has a great parakeet exhibit. Below is a video we took while feeding the parakeets.
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